Gilbert-Chappell Application Form

Gilbert-Chappell Distinguished Poet Series – Student Poet Entry Form

Please complete and staple to your three pages of poetry.

Name ____________________________________________    Age _____      Grade _______

School or Public Library:  __________________________________________________________

Street ____________________________   City _______________             _   County                          Zip _____   ___

School or Public Library Phone: (_____) _____________________

Teacher or Public Library Contact: _________________________

Email: _________________________________

Student Poet’s Home Address: _________________________________________________________

City   ___________________________________ Zip Code ___________

Home Email:   __________________________

I am entering (check one)     [  ] through my school  [  ] through my public library

As a Student Poet I agree to:

  1. Send approximately one dozen pages of poetry to the Distinguished Poet on a schedule to be determined by the Distinguished Poet.
  1. Respond in writing to suggestions made by the Distinguished Poet.
  1. Attend at least two face-to-face meetings with the Distinguished Poet.
  1. Read poetry with the Distinguished Poet and the two other Student Poets at the regional reading.

[  ]  I have read, understood and accept the above Gilbert-Chappell Distinguished Poet Series Guidelines.

Student Poet’s signature ______________________________________

A parent’s signature is required if you are under 18 years of age.

Parent’s signature _________     ___________________________________

Mail Your Application and Poetry to the appropriate Gilbert-Chappell Distinguished Poet Series Regional Coordinator:

Eastern Region: Kelly Jones, Regional Coordinator, 166 Willow Street, Tabor City, NC 28463;; (910) 770-2623

Central Region: Sherry Siddall, Regional Coordinator, 942 Old Post Rd, Chapel Hill, NC 27517;; (919) 423-0033

Western Region: Caleb Beissert, Regional Coordinator, 123 Forest Hill Drive, Asheville, NC 28803;; (704) 975-3636

To determine the appropriate region for your North Carolina county, click here.