Gilbert-Chappell Poet Series Application & Regions

Application for Gilbert-Chappell Distinguished Poet (GCDP) Series

Any middle school, high school, college or university student or any adult poet not currently enrolled in an academic program may apply for the GCDP Series mentorship.

There is no cost for applying.  Click here for the GCDPS-student-application.

The application deadline is November 15, 2024.

North Carolina Regions

The following is a list of the North Carolina counties constituting the three regions for purposes of the Gilbert-Chappell Distinguished Poet Series:

Gilbert-Chappell Distinguished Poet SeriesStudent Poets apply in these Counties
Western Central Eastern
32 Counties 32 Counties 35 Counties
Alexander Alamance Beaufort
Alleghany Anson Bertie
Ashe Cabarrus Bladen
Avery Caswell Brunswick
Buncombe Chatham Camden
Burke Cumberland Carteret
Caldwell Davidson Chowan
Catawba Durham Columbus
Cherokee Franklin Craven
Clay Granville Currituck
Cleveland Guilford Dare
Davie Harnett Duplin
Forsyth Hoke Edgecomb
Gaston Iredell Gates
Graham Johnston Greene
Haywood Lee Halifax
Henderson Mecklenburg Hertford
Jackson Montgomery Hyde
Lincoln Moore Jones
Macon Orange Lenoir
Madison Person Martin
McDowell Randolph Nash
Mitchell Richmond New Hanover
Polk Robeson Northhampton
Rutherford Rockingham Onslow
Surry Rowan Pamlico
Swain Scotland Pasquotank
Transylvania Stanley Pender
Watauga Union Perquimans
Wilkes Vance Pitt
Yadkin Wake Sampson
Yancey Warren Tyrell