
North Carolina Poetry Society Board of Directors

For brief biographies of current NCPS Board members, click here.

Kashiana Singh

Vice President of Programming
Chad Knuth

Vice President of Membership
Joan Barasovska

Vice President of Membership
Garrett Sharpe

Vice President of Communications
Michael Dechane

Adult Contests Director
Jim Zola

Student Contests Director
Nancy Martin-Young

Recording Secretary
Kathy Ackerman

Bill Griffin

Director of Diversity and Inclusion
Dasan Ahanu

Hunt McKinnon
David Poston
Cheryl Wilder

President Emerita
Celestine Davis

Committee Chairs

Brockman-Campbell Book Award Coordinator
Ana Pugatch

External Programs Coordinator
Regina Yvette Carter Garcia

Gilbert-Chappell Distinguished Poet Series Coordinator
David Radavich

Lena Shull Book Award Coordinator
Sherry Pedersen-Thrasher

Poetry In Plain Sight
Hannah Ringler

Pinesong Editor
Sherry Pedersen-Thrasher

Publicity (Website, Pine Whispers and eMuse)
Michael Dechane (VP for Communications)
Michael Dechane (eMuse and Pine Whispers Editor)
Michael Dechane (Webmaster)
Joan Barasovska (Copy Editor)

Susan Laughter Meyers Poetry Fellowship at Weymouth
Steve Cushman

NC Poetry Collection Liaison
Janice Moore Fuller

Carolyn York

Officers’ Resource Page